• Insights

  • Location:
    899 Logan St. #406 Denver, CO 80203
    P: 303-935-5307
    F: 303-935-5085
    E: info@insightsdenver.com

Parent Support: Insights staff are experts in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders.  We offer parent consultation focused on developing plans for challenging behaviors, learning how to advocate for your child, providing education on your child’s new diagnosis, and offering general support. 

Behavior Intervention Plans: Insights can help develop tailor-made behavior plans for your child to be implemented across environments (home, school, job).  Elements of a behavior intervention plan include:

  • Identifying triggers
  • Reinforcement vs. punishment
  • Token economies
  • Visual schedules
  • Preferred vs. non-preferred activities
  • Planned ignoring
  • Modeling

Trainings/Public Speaking: Insights offers trainings and presentations to parents, schools, other professionals, and agencies.  We can tailor a presentation for you or you can choose from the following topics:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Behavioral Intervention Plans
  • Transition/Independence
  • Success in the Workplace