• Insights

  • Location:
    899 Logan St. #406 Denver, CO 80203
    P: 303-935-5307
    F: 303-935-5085
    E: info@insightsdenver.com

FAQs for Diagnostic Evaluations for Suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders

  1. What age range do you assess for ASD?
    We are able to provide diagnostic evaluations for children as young as 18 months, although for children younger than 3 with a suspected diagnosis of ASD, it is more difficult to definitively determine a diagnosis. This is why it is important to have the evaluation done by a highly experienced clinician. Research shows that early intervention is correlated to better prognosis. We also do evaluations for children, adolescents and adults.
  2. What does a diagnostic evaluation involve?
    At minimum, a diagnostic evaluation includes an intake interview, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale-2nd Ed. (ADOS-2), and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). Subsequently, a detailed report is provided which includes an explanation of the assessment results as well as treatment recommendations. A more in-depth evaluation, depending on the referral question, may include a review of previous testing and intervention, cognitive testing, measures to assess behavioral, emotional, adaptive, and executive functioning, sensory processing issues, as well as the ADOS-2 and ADI-R. Clients who complete an in-depth evaluation also receive a detailed report which includes an explanation of the assessment results as well as treatment recommendations.
  3. Can you give diagnoses other than for an Autism Spectrum Disorder?
    Yes, as Licensed Clinical Psychologists, we are able to assess for and provide any mental health diagnosis, as clinically indicated. Dr. Dumke and Dr. Cason are both thoroughly trained in the DSM-V, and have broad clinical training.
  4. How long will it be before I have the report?
    It typically takes between 2 and 4 weeks to score, analyze, interpret the results and write the report. A feedback meeting to go over the results will be scheduled at the time of the assessment so you know exactly when you will receive the results.
  5. I thought that only a medical doctor could diagnose ASD. Is this true?
    Licensed Clinical Psychologists are often called upon by pediatricians, psychiatrists, primary care doctors and other mental health professionals to provide comprehensive psychological evaluations including diagnostic evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorders. For more information about diagnostic evaluations for suspected ASD, see the CDC website: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/screening.html
  6. Do you take health insurance?
    At this time we are in network with Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield. We also accept credit cards, including HSA cards. Otherwise, we are happy to provide you a detailed sales receipt following full payment, with the necessary insurance codes you will need to seek possible reimbursement from your insurance provider. Please contact your insurance company in advance to find out if they reimburse for a diagnostic evaluation for ASD, and at what rate they reimburse.
  7. What does an assessment cost?
    We provide a variety of assessment options depending on the referral question. Costs range from $1500 to $3000. Please ask about our sliding scale.
  8. Will you come to my IEP meeting?
    Yes, we are willing to attend IEP meetings to discuss the results of testing and our recommendations. There is an additional fee for the meeting and drive time. We are not able to provide educational advocacy services. We can give referrals to qualified educational advocates in the Denver area.
  9. Can you treat me/my child after the evaluation?
    Yes, if we determine that you or your child would benefit from ongoing psychological and/or behavioral intervention, we can discuss if one of our experienced clinicians would be a good fit for your treatment needs.
  10. Can you make referrals for other types of providers if needed?
     Yes, we are able to make referrals to other service providers such as Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Social Skills Groups, and other community resources. The Colorado Autism Society is also a very good resource to find area providers and services.

FAQs for Diagnostic Evaluations for Suspected Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

  1. What age range do you assess for FASD?
    We are able to provide diagnostic evaluations for children as young as 18 months who have known or suspected prenatal exposure to alcohol, although for children younger than 3 with a suspected diagnosis of FASD, it is more difficult to definitively determine a diagnosis. This is why it is important to have the evaluation done by an experienced clinician. Research shows that early intervention is correlated with better prognosis. We also do evaluations for children, adolescents and adults.
  2. What does a diagnostic evaluation involve?
    The FASD evaluation is an in-depth evaluation which includes a review of previous testing and intervention, cognitive testing, and various measures to assess behavioral, emotional, language, adaptive, and executive functioning, as well as sensory processing issues. Insights partners with Dr. Nancy McKenzie to perform the medical component of the evaluation. Subsequent to the evaluation, a detailed report is provided which includes an explanation of the assessment results as well as treatment recommendations.
    The diagnostic team uses the statistically validated 4-Digit Diagnostic Code created by the epidemiologist Dr. Susan Astley at the University of Washington. According to Dr. Astley, “The 4-Digit Diagnostic Code provides more accurate and reproducible diagnoses than the gestalt method due to its use of quantitative, objective measurement scales, and specific case-definitions. The four digits in the Code reflect the magnitude of expression of the four key diagnostic features of FASD in the following order: (1) growth deficiency, (2) the FAS facial features, (3) central nervous system (CNS) structural and functional abnormalities, and (4) prenatal alcohol exposure.”
  3. Can you give diagnoses other than for an FASD?
    Yes, as Licensed Clinical Psychologists, we are able to assess for and provide any mental health diagnosis, as clinically indicated. Dr. Dumke and Dr. Cason are both thoroughly trained in the DSM-V, and have broad clinical training.
  4. How long will it be before I have the report?
    It typically takes between 2 and 4 weeks to score, analyze, interpret the results and write the report. A feedback meeting to go over the results will be scheduled at the time of the assessment so you know exactly when you will receive the results.
  5. Do you take health insurance?
    At this time we are in network with Anthem/Blue Cross Blue Shield. We also accept credit cards, including HSA cards. Otherwise, we are happy to provide you with a detailed sales receipt following full payment, with the necessary insurance codes you will need to seek possible reimbursement from your insurance provider. Please contact your insurance company in advance to find out if they reimburse for a diagnostic evaluation for ASD, and at what rate they reimburse.
  6. What does an assessment cost if we do not use insurance?
    We provide a variety of assessment options depending on the referral question. The cost for an FASD evaluation typically range from $2000 to $3000.
  7. Will you come to my IEP meeting?
    Yes, we are willing to attend IEP meetings to discuss the results of testing and our recommendations. There is an additional fee for the meeting and drive time. We are not able to provide educational advocacy services. We can give referrals to qualified educational advocates in the Denver area.
  8. Can you treat me/my child after the evaluation? Or can you make referrals for other types of providers if needed?
    Yes, if we determine that you or your child would benefit from ongoing psychological and/or behavioral intervention, we can discuss if one of our experienced clinicians would be a good fit for your treatment needs. We are also able to make referrals to other service providers such as Early Intervention Providers, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Social Skills Groups, and other community resources. NOFAS is also a good resource for information.